
December 2012

PIC-WIL Gets a Helping Tractor

David Frerichs of Frerichs Farm in Warren generously donated his services and tractor to mow the PIC-WIL Nature Preserve. "This was extremely kind of him—and a great benefit to the land trust," said Peter McCalmont, [...]

November 2012

Trails Team Events for December

Dec. 1 Walkabout at Veterans Memorial Park 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Meet at Veterans Park entrance stone pillars near the Bayside Y for a walk through the eastern side of the park to examine trails [...]

October 2012

Allin’s Cove Erosion Control Project Continues

Students from Roger Williams University planted shrubs and small trees in Allin's Cove on Oct. 27. Restoration of Allin's Cove has been going on since 1959 when material collected from dredging in nearby [...]

September 2012

Record Year for Diamondback Terrapins

Fifteen volunteers and many more friends and family members teamed up for this year’s diamondback terrapin hatchling count and release at Nockum Hill. Between August 8 and Sept. 7, 390 hatchlings were released from the [...]

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