July 2015
Barrington Summer Walk Series Begins This Thursday
Local Walk Series Begins (sponsored by the Barrington Public Library, BLCT, Barrington Preservation Society & Appalachian Mountain Club) - Join us for a walk at PIC-WIL Nature Preserve on Thursday, July 9th at 6:00PM. The [...]
June 2015
The Purple Martins are Coming!
Our first event of the summer is the Purple Martin tour at the Pic-Wil Nature Preserve this Saturday, June 27th, at 1:00. Barrington has the largest population of purple martins in the region and they [...]
May 2015
More Spring Events
Wednesday, May 13, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Trail Mapping and Trail Paint Sowams Woods Meet up the trail sign on South Lake Drive. Parking on South Lake Drive is not allowed and off street [...]
April 2015
More Spring Actvities
Spring Stewardship Projects Thank you for participating on the Town Trail Team 2015. This is a quick reminder of this coming week's projects at Ossamequin and some additional details on those projects at Veterans Memorial [...]
March 2015
Spring Events
Welcome to Trail Team 2015 - Bet you are ready for spring! I know that I am tired of re-scheduling stewardship projects. Although all the projects were included with the last newsletter, I wanted to send [...]
November 2014
November Events
Tuesday, Nov. 4th (Election Day), 10 a.m. - Noon Osamequin Nature Preserve, '2nd Bird' Trail maintenance, litter pickup and invasive plant control. Park at the '2nd Bird', north parking area of Osamequin. Sunday, Nov. 9, 1 [...]