Location: On the Palmer River at the end of Seaview Drive. Access is via easement deeded to Trust. BLCT Property #9.

Tax Assessor’s Flat #30 , lot #138

Donation: 11/12/86 by M & R Development Company, Inc., owned by Michael Siino. and Robert Saunders

Documents: quitclaim deed, book 167, page 59 and easement, book 167, page 60 in Barrington Town Hall

Purpose of donation: to keep land in its natural condition, a buffer of woodland between development and marsh, both donated

Property description: 3 acres, about 2/3 marsh and 1/3 woodland buffer. Marsh grasses include Spartina alterniflora, Beach grasses, Diachilis spicata and 2 small areas on the south arid north borders of Phragmites. Abundant Iva frutescens. Shrubs and trees include oak, red maple, tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica),Juniperus virgiana, Vaccinium corymbosum, European buckthorn, azalea, Rhododendron, Clethra alnifolia.

Management: Land to be left undisturbed. A watch should be kept for dumping, littering and possible abuse by residents of the area. Occasional communications with people on Seaview Drive are advisable.

Also found: bluets, mayflowers, starflowers, sea lavender, cinnamon fern, sheep laurel