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On Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 am to noon, the Student Stewardship Team will work together with the Tuesday Trails Team at  Johannis Farm Wildlife Preserve. We need many hands to help remove debris from the washed out boardwalk near the marsh. We have cut the boardwalk into pieces that can be hand carried or transported by wheelbarrow or cart.

Dress for the weather and wear waterproof boots. Adults – if you have a wheelbarrow or cart you can bring, that would help! Bring work gloves if you have them. Gloves will also be available onsite.


Johannis Farm Wildlife Preserve is located on Sowams Road in Barrington. The entrance lies between 461 Sowams Road and 475 Sowams Road. You can park in the grassy area indicated on the map. If you get lost or will be late, call/text me at 508-733-2443.


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