BLCT extends a big thank you to Lisa Abbatomarco, a visual and performing artist, for lending her talent and studio space in Warren to create our first-ever giant diamondback terrapin float for the Memorial Day parade.

Lisa’s many talents include painting, puppetry, sculpture, fiber arts, experimental theater and sound art. From design to construction, she has created original theater productions, as well as toured with renowned puppet/mask theaters. She has directed and composed sound scores for Lantern Theater and participated in a variety of puppetry parades and pageants throughout her career. This year she was awarded an apprenticeship with the Institute for Community Research to develop her most recent work in progress—a revival of the Warren Pageant slated for fall 2014.

As an arts educator, Lisa has taught extensively for IS183 Art School in Massachusetts and Tang Teaching Museum in New York, as well as at community events, art centers and festivals outside the United States.

Lisa uses simple, recycled materials and introduces youth to new concepts in art. Throughout her 20-plus year career, her dedication to social and environmental causes and community has created the unifying thread for her cornucopia of activity.

Lisa’s latest body of work is the next incarnation of her homage to shape, form, texture, and movement. These contemplative constructions are a melding of industrial felt, vellum, plastic bags, paint and hardware and have been featured as a part Art Night in Bristol and Warren.

She holds a BFA from the School of Arts Institute in Chicago. She directs and choreographs the Urban Pond Procession in Providence and sings as Ramblin’ Red in her cowboy band.

Classes, workshops, performances, community programs available for all ages. Find her on Facebook or by calling 914-388-4328 or at