This article first appeared in the BLCT Summer 2021 Newsletter. If you would like to receive the BLCT quarterly newsletter, click here to go to our sign-up page.
The Barrington Land Conservation Trust gratefully acknowledges two supporters, Priscilla Randall and Robert Faulkner, who left legacies to BLCT to continue their long-term support of environmental conservation.
Priscilla Randall was a landscape architect whose work can be seen throughout the world. She spent the last years of her life in a cottage on the edge of Allins Cove. When faced with a terminal illness, Ms. Randall drafted her will to include several bequests intended to benefit land conservation and landscape architecture focusing on environmental sustainability. Following her death in April 2020, BLCT was honored to receive a substantial donation for the purpose of protecting Allins Cove.
Robert Faulkner, who passed away in February 2021, was an ardent patron of land conservation. He was a long-time donor to and supporter of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust. Bob often attended the annual meeting and other BLCT events, always nattily attired in a fedora and often accompanied by his wife Pamela and his son Tim, a past-president of BLCT. BLCT greatly appreciates Mr. Faulkner’s decision to support its mission posthumously. Consistent with Mr. Faulkner’s wishes, BLCT will utilize his bequest to continue its mission of preserving Barrington’s natural resources.
Legacy gifts like those made by Robert Faulkner and Priscilla Randall help BLCT fulfill its obligation to steward conserved lands forever and provide the donor with the knowledge that our protected places will continue to be protected and maintained. Creating a lasting legacy for BLCT is easier than you might think. And, depending on how a planned gift is structured, it may offer tax benefits to you or your estate. Your financial and legal advisors can help you determine what form of planning giving to BLCT is right for you.
Photo: St. Andrew’s Farm