Location: on flag lot behind 61 Sowams Road, at marsh edge. BLCT Property #20.
Donation: 1/6/89 by Gertrude F. Stanley
Recorded: Lot 237, Plat 28 (Tax Assessor’s Plat) recorded in Book 7 in the Barrington Town Hall
Purpose of acquisition: “for the promotion, protection, and development of the natural resources and open space of the Town of Barrington for conservation purposes”, on a Type II waterway
Property descrjption: approx. .6 acre saltmarsh and upland, the upland extending 120 ft. from granite bounds (found) at the inner edge of the marsh
Vegetation: Spartina alterniflora, high tide bush, grasses on the upland, Multiflora rose
Management: Land to be left in its natural state, except a small wooden dock and access path may be constructed and maintained. Twice yearly litter pickup.